Board Minutes February 2016

Meadow Hill Board of Directors Meeting February 16, 2016 Executive session The regular monthly meeting was called to order in executive session at 12:45 PM downstairs at the Clubhouse by President Luther Weeks. A quorum […]

Meadow Hill
Board of Directors Meeting
February 16, 2016

Executive session

The regular monthly meeting was called to order in executive session at 12:45 PM downstairs at the Clubhouse by President Luther Weeks. A quorum was present with the following in attendance: Directors: L. Weeks, J. Goselin, R. Schneider, D. Faxon, J. Trustey, APM’: E. Schaefer. Ended 1:28 PM

Regular session

All the board members and APM’ Eric Schaefer reconvened at 1:31 PM, outside of executive session on the second floor. President Weeks initiated the meeting acknowledging the exceptional work done by Maintenance’ Darien and Mike on Sunday, February 14th. 10-12 units had frozen pipes, which took most of the day to remedy.

Unexpectedly, a possible natural gas leak on the lower level prompted Luther to call for relocation of the meeting to Hollister approximately 1:35 PM where the meeting resumed with all board members & APM’ Eric Schaefer present, as well as the unit owners originally present.


January 2016 regular meeting minutes had been previously approved unanimously by the Board.

Capital Projects and work order review.

Landscape items are now being reported separately from other work order items; Vent stack painting test is still in progress. The goal is to extend the life of the stacks instead of more expensive cost of replacement which would be borne by unit owners.

Deck replacement for unit owners is down to 4 remaining ones from the original list drawn up at the time of the siding replacement project.

Committee reports:

Finance. D. Faxon reported on updates to the Capital project and reserve review. $157,000 in expenditures are being recommended, which includes carry-over from the portion of the sidewalk project which wasn’t implemented in 2015. A major change is that $99,000 is being recommended for doing all the planned sidewalks at one time, instead on an annually staggered basis. Several other items were enumerated, each of which had much smaller financial impact.

Grounds: D. Faxon displayed a map of lawn, trees, etc. The items to be done has just started to be identified and color code plotted onto the map. A revised year 2 landscape contract with West Side is being prepared with changes. ‘No touch signs’ are being further researched, following receipt of the prototype sign.

Amenities: Bob Kolwicz reported on the fireplace sprucing up project which is nearing completion. He also recommended additional Club House ceiling light replacement, and better, lower weight tables are being recommended. Total cost approximately $786 plus tax.

Communication, R. Schneider. Lark electronic distribution has been stable at about 66%. Beginning with the February Board meeting, the agenda was emailed to the same list, and will be continued based on favorable comments. Non-email recipients have had a copy taped to the entrance door at the Club House. Due to freezing problems, the Lark will suggest cold weather water tips again, pointing out that the hot water too will need to be dripped as well as the cold when conditions merit. Furthermore, if another 0° day is predicted, an email will also go out on the same subject.

Owner’s Forum

No one spoke at the meeting. However, last month’s following item is being restated to correct a minor error.

Unit 272 requested topics from this forum be reported in the minutes for members information. 282 182 commented that there was historical concern over names being reported in this section.

Treasurer’s Report D. Faxon presented the latest financial statements. A small surplus is now being reported.

Manager’s report: Calendar and Correspondence

Duplicate April & May calendar entries: duplicate unit owner electric expense reimbursement processing still needs to be changed to a single entry.

Monthly Board meeting time is to be removed, as it can change over time.

Old Business

Unit 320 accessibility items request                                            

It was agreed, the request has 4 parts relating to the rear entrance (the front entrance request was previously approved):

  1. Installation of an 8 foot wide sliding door
  2. 10 x 10 foot adjoining deck
  3. 16 x 4 foot easterly direction ramp from the eastern side of the deck
  4. 75 foot sidewalk from the end of the ramp to Dogwood Lane.

The entire project will need to meet code and Meadow Hill appearance requirements, including consistency with existing Meadow Hill structures including:

  • Building permit(s) before work starts
  • Code compliance including handrails for the ramp
  • Proper footings below ground
  • Wood color to match the red siding
  • Sidewalk to match other Meadow Hill sidewalk material , width, and appearance
  • Hold harmless agreement for Meadow Hill benefit, filed with the town
  • Certificate of insurance from the contractor(s) naming Meadow Hill as an additional insured
  • Final inspection in connection with signing off on permit compliance

Moved by D. Faxon. Passed unanimously.

New Business

Capital Plan. Move to accept the plan by J. Goselin, passed unanimously.

Amenities recommendation for lighting and tables, not to exceed $850. Moved by J. Trustey. Passed unanimously.

National Consulting Group engineering studies. Proposal to pay the bill, but only for the original capped amount requested by Meadow Hill, $1,750. Moved by J. Goselin. passed unanimously.

Special bonus debit/gift cards for Maintenance’ Darien and Mike. This is in recognition of their weekend/holiday exceptional dedication and work most of Sunday 2/14 to deal with the frozen pipes in a number of units, preventing major damage. Moved by R. Schneider, passed unanimously.

CAI 3/19 expo reimbursement. Covers management, legal, etc. education of Board members. Proposal to reimburse those who attend, for their expense up to $60 each. Moved by J. Goselin, passed unanimously.

Pool service company for 2016. Tabled, pending Darien’s investigation.

Adjournment. J. Goselin proposed.. Approved unanimously, at 3:47 PM

By Ronald Schneider, Secretary